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RVI publishes books, research reports, research papers, briefings and meeting reports in a range of formats. Publications cover policy, research, arts, culture and local knowledge in the countries of eastern and central Africa. Research publications—books, reports and papers—are peer-reviewed. Some RVI publications are also available in French and/or Arabic.
The RVI is a signatory of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (2001); all publications are free for download in PDF format under Creative Commons licences. The views expressed in books and reports published by the RVI are those of the authors, not the Institute.
Find the English version here and the Amharic summary here….
Hordhac Galmudug ayaa ilaa iyo dhawaanahan loo arkayay dowlad-goboleed ay colaado iyo kala qeybsanaan badani ka jiraan, oo ay qaabeeyeen colaadihii laga dhaxlay dagaalladii sokeeye ee Soomaaliya. Khilaafyada joogtada ah ee beelaha ku saleysanaa ee u dhexeeyay kooxaha siyaasadeed…
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS The phased process of conducting local government elections (LGEs) in Puntland has now commenced, building on the agreements made between various political actors— mainly the political associations, Puntland state and the Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission (TPEC)….
Dulmar Inkastoo ay isbeddello waaweyn ka dheceen saaxadda siyaasadda Soomaaliya labaatankii sano ee lasoo dhaafay, arrin aan is beddelin ayaa ah ku tiirsanaanta nidaamka awood-qeybsiga beelaha, oo ay kamid tahay ‘4.5’. Inkastoo Dastuurka Kumeelgaarka ee Soomaaliya uusan dhigeyn wax…
Dulmar Tan iyo markii la sameeyay dowlad-goboleedka Jubaland 2012-kii, tobannaan sano oo colaado ah ka dib, xasilooni ayaa ka jirta qeybo kamid ah gobolka. Iyadoo ay side tahay, waxaa weli sii socda amni darrada, gacan ka haal siyaasad la…
Dulmar: Siyaasadda aan xasilooneyn ee Hirshabelle Hirshabeelle waxaa ka jiray xasilooni darro siyaasadeed tan iyo markii si deg deg ah loo dhisay bishii Oktoobar 2016, iyadoo la isku daray labada gobol ee Hiiraan iyo Shabeellaha Dhexe. Intii ay hawsha…
HORDHAC Tan iyo 2012-kii, markii Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay beddeshay Dowladdii Federaalka Kumeelgaarka ahayd, Soomaaliya waxa ay isku dayday in ay ballaariso hannaanka lagusoo xulo hoggaanka iyadoo la aadayo nidaam dimoqraadi ah. Ilaa iyo hadda, horumarka laga gaaray doorasho…
Maqaamka Muqdisho oo aan weli la xalin ayaa kamid ah arrimaha ugu muhiimsan heshiiska siyaasadda Soomaaliya. Lagasoo bilaabo sanadkii 2012, Soomaaliya waxay horumar ka samaysay in la caddeeyo nooca federaalka iyadoo la dhisay Dowlad-goboleedyo sidoo kalena la sameeyay dadaallo…
Soomaaliya ayaa markii ugu horreysay si rasmi ah u qaadatay hannaanka federaalka sannadkii 2004-tii markii la sameeyay Axdiga Federaalka Kumeelgaarka. Tan iyo markaas, dhidibada ayaa loo aasay iyadoo la qeexay markii la meel mariyay Dastuurka Federaalka Kumeelgaarka ah ee…
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During the past decade, northern Kenya’s peripheral border counties have become key to the central state’s political and economic agenda. This synthesis report therefore uses the concept of ‘restructuring the margins’ to unpack the findings of two case study reports