ማጠቃለያ • ድሬ ዳዋ የኢትዮጵያ ሁለተኛ ትልቅ ከተማ ስትሆን በሀገሪቱ ምስራቃዊ ክፍል – በኦሮሚያ እና በሶማሊያ ክልል አዋሳኝ ድንበር ላይ የምትገኝ የብዝሃ-ብሔር እና የኃይማኖቶች የኢኮኖሚ ማዕከል ነች። ምንም እንኳን የከተማዋ ታሪካዊ ሥርዓት በኃይማኖቶች እና በብሔሮች መካከል ባለ ወዳጅነትና መተሳሰብ…
RVI publishes books, research reports, research papers, briefings and meeting reports in a range of formats. Publications cover policy, research, arts, culture and local knowledge in the countries of eastern and central Africa. Research publications—books, reports and papers—are peer-reviewed. Some RVI publications are also available in French and/or Arabic.
The RVI is a signatory of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (2001); all publications are free for download in PDF format under Creative Commons licences. The views expressed in books and reports published by the RVI are those of the authors, not the Institute.
SUMMARY • Dire Dawa, Ethiopia’s second largest city, is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious economic hub in the country’s eastern region, sitting on the contested boundary between the Oromia and Somali regions. Despite an overarching sense that the city’s historical…
SUMMARY • Gondar city is known for centuries of peaceful coexistence between its Muslim and Orthodox Christian community members. These inter-religious relations have, however, deteriorated over recent decades, erupting into view in the April 2022 attack on Muslim mourners…
ማጠቃለያ በአገር አቀፍ ደረጃ የፖለቲካ ለውጥ ቢደረግም በኦሮሚያ ክልል በሚገኙት ሁለቱ የጉጂ ዞኖች (ጉጂ እና ምዕራብ ጉጂ) የማዕድን ቁፋሮ ሥራ የአካባቢውን ማኅበረሰቦች ማግለሉን ቀጥሏል። ይህ እውነታ በተለይ በሳውዑዲ ቢሊየነር ሼክ መሐመድ ሁሴን አል አሙዲ ባለቤትነት በሚተዳደረው የሚድሮክ የማዕድን እና…
SUMMARY • Despite political change at the national level, resource extraction in the two Guji zones (Guji and West Guji) of the Oromia Region continues to exclude local communities. This is particularly so in the case of MIDROC –…
HISTORY, POLITICS AND INTER-RELIGIOUS RELATIONS INTRODUCTION Religious affiliation is almost universal in Ethiopia, which means that religions amass significant political capital but may also act as potential catalysts for conflict. After five decades of ostensibly secular politics—first under a…
RÉSUMÉ En République démocratique du Congo (RDC), le cadre opaque qui régit la gouvernance foncière, dont on sait qu’il est à l’origine de nombreux conflits allant de désaccords entre voisins à des affrontements violents entre groupes armés, fait l’objet…
SUMMARY In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC, Congo), the opaque land governance framework, known to be at the bottom of countless conflicts ranging from disagreements between neighbours to violent clashes between armed groups, has been undergoing reform for…
Summary • Historically, the people living along the Blue Nile – Benishangul-Gumuz borderlands in what is now Sudan and Ethiopia have been politically and socially marginalized within their respective political entities. As such they have sought ways to address…
HORDHAC Tan iyo 2012-kii, markii Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay beddeshay Dowladdii Federaalka Kumeelgaarka ahayd, Soomaaliya waxa ay isku dayday in ay ballaariso hannaanka lagusoo xulo hoggaanka iyadoo la aadayo nidaam dimoqraadi ah. Ilaa iyo hadda, horumarka laga gaaray doorasho…
Recent Publications

February 27, 2025
Since 2018, Gambella has experienced several conflicts. While some can be categorized as a continuation of protracted conflicts in the region, others can be attributed to the post-2018 political changes in Addis Ababa. The major conflicts include, Anywaa–Nuer conflict, the

Why South Sudan’s Unity State is drowning in pollution
February 27, 2025
This blog is part of the XCEPT project carried out by the Rift Valley Institute between May and June 2024. In this blog, the researcher draws heavily on his data from field observation and conversations with the respondents during the

የሐዋሳ ከተማ ውዝግቦችና ተለዋዋጭ ገፅታዎቻቸው
February 27, 2025
በኢትዮጵያ ከተሞች የሚታዩ ውዝግቦችን ማጥናት፣ ከአዲስ አበባ ውጪ ያሉ የከተማ ማዕከላት የሚስተዋሉ ጉልህ ማኅበራዊ፣ ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና ፖለቲካዊ ለውጦች ምን ዓይነት መልክ እንዳላቸው ለመገንዘብ ይረዳል። በዚህ ረገድ በቅርቡ የተመሠረተው የሲዳማ ክልል ርዕሰ መዲና በሆነችው የቀድሞ የደቡብ ክልል ዋና ከተማ ሐዋሳ ላለፉት