Understanding Sudan’s electoral system: Registration and polling

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This briefing is part of RVI’s Sudan Elections Project, a short-term study on the history of elections in the country. The project examines the different factors that have shaped the course and consequences of elections in Sudan, while drawing out lessons to inform the programming and advocacy work of those hoping to ensure a successful transition in Sudan. Research is based on analyses of election-related documents and interviews with polling and electoral commission staff, candidates, political party members, civil society organisations, and journalists.

The registration and polling briefing deals with two key parts of the electoral process: the registration of voters and what happens at the polling station. It asks several key questions, including how should people register to vote; and where and how should votes be cast and counted. As with other briefings in this series, the focus is not on making recommendations, instead the intention is to look at how these questions have been answered previously, and the factors to be considered in coming to decisions about the next elections.

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