Why are the majority of refugees in Kakuma and Kalobeyei refugee camps in north–west Kenya resistant to the Kenyan government’s new official policy of integration with the local community? This paper explores this question through personal interviews and focus…
RVI publishes books, research reports, research papers, briefings and meeting reports in a range of formats. Publications cover policy, research, arts, culture and local knowledge in the countries of eastern and central Africa. Research publications—books, reports and papers—are peer-reviewed. Some RVI publications are also available in French and/or Arabic.
The RVI is a signatory of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (2001); all publications are free for download in PDF format under Creative Commons licences. The views expressed in books and reports published by the RVI are those of the authors, not the Institute.
This paper explores how agency and livelihoods are articulated and shaped in the overall picture of refugee life as a whole, specifically in Kakuma refugee camp in north-western Kenya. It digs into the details of how refugees exercise self-reliance,…
This paper investigates the coping and adaptation strategies used by women in Kakuma refugee camp in response to water scarcity, a pressing issue worsened by climate change. Qualitative data collection methods, including focus group discussions, interviews and observations, were…
This paper explores how precarity shapes life for Somali refugees in Kakuma refugee camp, north–western Kenya. Contrasting contemporary precarity with the uncertainty that previously shaped livelihoods and social structures in Somali pastoralist communities back home, the study asks not…
- By Gelizako Juwiva Chrinjalinya
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This blog reflects on the academic writing experiences of early career researchers in East Africa, building on discussions and writing diaries developed in the context of a British Academy-funded Writing Workshop in Nairobi (Kenya), in February 2024. The workshop encouraged participants…
- By Abdirizak Mursal Mohamed
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In this blog, Abdirzak Mursal Mohamed examines the nexus between climate change impacts and land conflicts among pastoral communities in Saaxmaygaag, Puntland. By Abdirizak Mursal Mohamed Introduction This blog examines the nexus between climate change impacts and land conflicts among pastoral communities…
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This blog explores traditional narratives of South Sudanese on climate change, their lived experiences, as well as perceptions on appropriate responses to the impacts of climate change. By Marlin John Serefino Introduction This blog is about traditionally oriented perceptions of…
- By Maketh Deng
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In this blog, Maketh traces the roots of intercommunal conflicts in Lakes State, South Sudan to the legacies of war, dowry demands and climate change, and subsequently calls for reconciliation processes and skills training in order to mitigate the…
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Cyclone Sagar is arguably the most devastating climate-related crisis to have hit Somaliland in contemporary history. Dominant literature to date lays the emphasis on recurring droughts in the region, since drought is the most prevalent natural hazard….
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper delves into the realm of climate change through an exploration of the Somali poetic drama of Hasan Ganey, focusing specifically on the Calamities are the Best Educators in the Globe drama, performed in 1982 by…
Recent Publications
አዲሱ የደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ የክላስተር አደረጃጀትና የሀብት ክፍፍል ተግዳሮቶች፡ የዘይሴ-ጋሞ እና ቀቤና-ጉራጌ ድንበርአካባቢ ግጭቶች
December 20, 2024
ይህ ሪፖርት በደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ ከ2010 ጀምሮ የተተገበረውን የአስተዳደር ክላስተር መልሶ ማዋቀር ተከትሎ፣ በዘይሴ እና በጋሞ እንዲሁም በቀቤና እና በጉራጌ ብሔረሰቦች መካከል በተከሰቱ ውጥረቶች ላይ ያተኩራል። ከ2010 ጀምሮ ከድንበር ይገባኛል እና ራስን በራስ ከማስተዳደር ጥያቄዎች ጋር ተያይዘው የሚነሱ ግጭቶች በኢትዮጵያ እየጨመሩ
December 20, 2024
This report was written for the Ethiopia Peace Research Facility (PRF) and is part of its Knowledge for Peace (K4P) series on contested borderlands The PRF is an independent facility combining timely analysis on peace and conflict from Ethiopian experts
December 19, 2024
Why are the majority of refugees in Kakuma and Kalobeyei refugee camps in north–west Kenya resistant to the Kenyan government’s new official policy of integration with the local community? This paper explores this question through personal interviews and focus group