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Rift Valley Institute

Making local knowledge work


The African Red Sea Region does not produce enough food to feed its own population. Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somaliland (Somalia) are each reliant on imports to make up for domestic production shortfalls. This presents unresolved challenges to the food security of the region. The regional food system is currently in crisis because it […]

The Costs of Peace

This is the first paper in a series considering the future of Sudan’s Juba Peace Agreement (JPA) and peace-making after the fall of Omar al-Bashir in 2019. It was commissioned by the Rift Valley Institute for the UK government’s XCEPT (Cross-Border Conflict Evidence, Policy and Trends) programme. XCEPT brings together leading experts to examine conflict-affected […]

What next for Sudan’s peace process? Political and Security Dynamics in the East

This briefing considers the changing political situation in Sudan with a particular focus on the future of the Juba Peace Agreement (JPA) and the evolving political and security dynamics in the east of the country. It considers the role the agreement played in exacerbating the unresolved historical and political inter-communal tensions which the transitional government and the […]


This blog is the third in a series published by the Rift Valley Institute to help understand the causes of the drought-related crisis in the Somali regions of the Horn of Africa. It is a product of the UK government’s XCEPT (Cross-Border Conflict Evidence, Policy and Trends) research programme. Read blog 1 on the drought in Somaliland here; and blog 2 […]

Child Labour, Education and Commodification in South Sudan

Until the latter part of the twentieth century, South Sudanese boys and girls grew food on household farms for their families to eat. Under this system, children’s work and education were hard to distinguish. Today, however, many boys and girls work for money outside of their household farm and use the money to support their […]

What are the causes of Somaliland’s drought crisis?

This blog is the first in a series published by the Rift Valley Institute to help understand the causes of the drought-related crisis in the Somali regions of the Horn of Africa. It is a product of the UK government’s XCEPT (Cross-Border Conflict Evidence, Policy and Trends) research programme. Observations that contributed to this blog were […]

Baraha Bulshada Iyo Caalami Ahaanshaha Maalin Walba: Isusocodka, Fursadaha, Iyo Qataraha ka Jira Hargeysa, Soomaaliland

  Warbixintan waxa ay taxliilineysaa qaabka ragga da’da yar ee ku nool Hargeysa—caasimadda jamhuuriyadda madax-bannaanida ku dhawaaqday ee Soomaaliland—ay u isticmaalaan madallada baraha bulshada iyo kuwa dijitaalka ah si ay uga helaan fursado shaqo iyo kuwo dhaqaale, iyo sidoo kale fududeynta isusocodka caalamiga ah.1 Midda ugu muhiimsan, cilmibaaristaan waxa ay muujinaysaa sida fursadaha dibadda marweliba […]