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Rift Valley Institute

Making local knowledge work

Eastleigh Launch: Impact of War on Somali Men

Eastleigh Launch: Impact of War on Somali Men

There has been little enquiry into the reality of the lives of Somali men and male youth following the collapse of the State in 1990. On 5 March 2017, the Rift Valley Forum and the Aw Jama Cultural Centre hosted a panel discussion to discuss the findings of the inception phase of RVI’s Impact of […]

Hustling for Security: Managing plural security in Nairobi’s poor urban settlements

Home to two million people, Nairobi’s informal settlements host the city’s most vulnerable communities who lack access to virtually all publicly run services, especially security. In these settlements, multiple players have emerged to claim the role of security providers, and citizens must ‘hustle’ for security. On 17 June 2016, the Rift Valley Forum launched Hustling for […]

The Peace Process in Burundi

The Peace Process in Burundi

In April 2015, Burundi descended into a political crisis following President Pierre Nkurunziza’s decision to run for a third term, which was seen as a contravention of the 2000 Arusha Peace Agreement. This agreement put in place an ethnic ethnic quota system for state institutions, including the army, and established a two-term presidential limit. The […]

The South Sudan We Want

The South Sudan We Want

As the South Sudan conflict enters its fourth year, prospects for peace and stability have not improved. The humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate with famine declared in parts of the country. Fighting continues in many areas, despite the government's recent agreement for a unilateral ceasefire and the long-standing August 2015 peace agreement. In December 2016, […]

Violent Extremism and Community Resilience

Violent Extremism and Community Resilience

Key points The Kenyan government lacks a Countering Violence Extremism (CVE) policy aimed at finding a long term solution to violent extremism. Successful CVE approaches could include the communities that have been overlooked in conventional approaches—women, families and their communities.  The state and media have played significant roles in fomenting cultural, political and religious divisions […]

Book Launch: We Kissed the Ground | Carrada Ayaan Dhunkannay

We Kissed the Ground

In 2015, an estimated 154,000 migrants entered Europe via the Mediterranean from Libya. Somalis – most of them young men – were among the top five nationalities crossing the Mediterranean during the first six months of 2015. Although much has been written about the rise in migration to Europe and migrant deaths at sea, little […]

Dhaqaalaha ku baxa Doorashooyinka Soomaalilaand

‘Xogta ku jirta warbixntu waa dhab iyo ‘xaqiiqo’…waxa jira wax badan oo arintan laga baranayo.’  SUCAAD IBRAAHIM, PROGRESSIO, SOOMAALILAAND ‘Daraasaddani waa mid gaar ah sababtuna waa su’aasha laga duulayo, waxana taa kasii muhiimsan, waa jiritaanka iyo muhiimadda wixii ka soo baxay. Waxa ay si balaadhan wax uga taraysaa arimaha badankooda lala xidhiidhiyo xaaladda doorashooyinka Soomaalilaand. […]


‘This study is in-depth, up-to-date and the first of its kind on a massive infrastructure development project in the region, examining its history, politics, evolution, the emergence of actors and interests and effects on the poor and marginalized. It presents the ambitions and ambiguities of a megaproject never seen in the development history of the […]

Stabilization in Eastern and Central Africa

‘The conference has put into perspective what stabilization means in South Sudan as opposed to what it means in Somalia and in the DRC. And putting my own insights on stabilization alongside those of the speakers here has given me a different lens through which to understand and evaluate events in Somalia.’  SAGAL SHEIKH ALI, […]

Carrada Ayaan Dhunkannay

‘Waa sheeko ka mid ah kuwii ugu xiisaha badnaa ee aan la kulmo, oo ka warramaysa waayoaragnimada qurbaawi Soomaali ah, oo ka raadsanaya meel kale, nolol aayatiin dhaanta tan aan xasilloonayn ee geyiga Soomaalida. Akhriskeedu waxa uu ii noqdey mid caqiibo leh, si cilmiyeysan u qoran, oo aanad ka xiiso goynayn. Waan dhiirigelinayaa akhriska sheekadan.’ […]