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This section is a cumulative record of references to the Rift Valley Institute in local and international news media, academic literature, and government publications. Included are online, broadcast and print commentary and analysis from Fellows, staff and associates of the Institute (and its partner organizations in Eastern and Central Africa), extracts from public lectures, quotes from RVI reports, and reviews or citations in books, learned journals and technical literature.

Links to the original items and/or video/audio clips are provided with each article, where available.

RVI publications are available as free downloads from the publications section. Recent additions include the first two reports of the RVI’s Usalama Project, From CNDP to M23: The Evolution of an Armed Movement in the Eastern Congo and North Kivu: The Background to Conflict in North Kivu Province of the Eastern Congo. Both can also be purchased as print-on-demand editions from Amazon. Other RVI publications include The Sudan Handbook and the first two volumes in the ‘Contested Borderlands’ series, When Boundaries Become Borders and The Kafia Kingi Enclave. Further volumes in the series will be forthcoming in 2013, including Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (covering the border between Puntland and Somaliland) and Gambela (which examines a section of the frontier region between Ethiopia and South Sudan).

All items from January to June 2012 can be downloaded as a PDF below. All items from July 2012 onwards can be viewed here.