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Rift Valley Institute

Making local knowledge work

Vendre à perte ? L’insécurité des femmes vendeuses de Bukavu

Vendre à perte ? L’insécurité des femmes vendeuses de Bukavu

Within the city of Bukavu—as elsewhere in the Congo—many women earn a living selling goods and produce at the market or in the streets. In this blog, Alice Mugoli explores the different types of insecurity to which these women are exposed. In particular, women who do not have a stall at the market but rather […]

This Year in the Great Lakes

This Year in the Great Lakes

This blog post was written by Yolande Bouka and Marco Jowell, the Co-Directors of Studies for the Rift Valley Institute’s Great Lakes Field Course, which will be taking place in Ethiopia from 3-7 June 2019. Yolande and Marco will be joined by a team of leading specialists to explore the contemporary complexities of the region as well […]

Insécurité des marchands vespéraux dans la ville de Goma

Insécurité des marchands vespéraux dans la ville de Goma

In the city of Goma, numerous shop-keepers and street vendors—for instance, those selling phone credit, alcoholic drinks or food—work at night. As Alain Mukombe Misege analyzes in this blog, in certain quarters of the city of Goma—in particular, Kyeshero, Majengo and Mugunga—these economic operators run very high risks. Since the end of 2018, there has […]

Considering power imbalances in collaborative research

Considering power imbalances in collaborative research

This blog was written by Yolande Bouka and is part of RVI’s Research Collaboration project in partnership with the Groupe d’Etudes sur les Conflits et la Sécurité Humaine (GEC-SH) and funded by the Knowledge Management Fund of KPSRL. The project examines the political economy of knowledge production and its impact on the security of researchers in conflict-affected settings, and […]

De l’Anti-gang aux gangs : « Sécuriser l’insécurité » urbaine à Goma?

De l’Anti-gang aux gangs : « Sécuriser l’insécurité » urbaine à Goma?

The growing insecurity in the city of Goma created by maibobo or street children, prompted the creation of the so-called anti-gang in 2007 around Virunga market. The anti-gang is a group of youth who ensure security in a particular area, including by tracing stolen property and tracking down and dispelling maibobo. In this blog, Axel […]

« Le robot producteur Sud » : quel avenir dans les zones rouges ?

« Le robot producteur Sud » : quel avenir dans les zones rouges ?

This blog was written by Irène Bahati and is part of RVI’s Research Collaboration project in partnership with the Groupe d’Etudes sur les Conflits et la Sécurité Humaine (GEC-SH) and funded by the Knowledge Management Fund of KPSRL. The project examines the political economy of knowledge production and its impact on the security of researchers in conflict-affected settings, and […]

Enfants sortis des groupes armés et insécurité à Goma

Enfants sortis des groupes armés et insécurité à Goma

The city of Goma, in North Kivu province, is home to numerous former child soldiers. After leaving armed groups that are active in rural areas, they often go to the city. This is because the communities where they used to live no longer accept them or because of the opportunities available in urban areas. Once […]

Recherches commanditées : Quel impact sur les conditions de travail du chercheur congolais ?

Research collaboration in conflict

This blog was written by Elisée Cirhuza and is part of RVI’s Research Collaboration project in partnership with the Groupe d’Etudes sur les Conflits et la Sécurité Humaine (GEC-SH) and funded by the Knowledge Management Fund of KPSRL. The project examines the political economy of knowledge production and its impact on the security of researchers in conflict-affected settings, and […]

Comprendre les vols à main armée et le cambriolage à Uvira

Comprendre les vols à main armée et le cambriolage à Uvira

The city of Uvira in South Kivu province has long been a hotbed of armed criminality. The victims of these attacks are primarily small-scale economic operators, such as shopkeepers, money changers and those selling phone credits. In this blog, Juvénal Twaibu analyses the causes of the elevated levels of armed robbery in Uvira. He ascribes these […]