Tarikh Tana (Our History): A radio series about the South Sudan National Archives

The Rift Valley Institute, together with the South Sudan Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and UNESCO, with funding from Norway, are pleased to announce the first ‘Tarikh Tana (Our History)’ Radio Show, which will air on Wednesday 1 November 2017 at 16:00 EAT on Eye Radio (98.6FM). 

The ‘Tarikh Tana (Our History)’ radio shows are taking place throughout the month of November 2017, alongside the South Sudan National Archives exhibition, to showcase the rich variety of documents in the Archives.

Each show will focus on one document from the National Archives, selected together with RVI, UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. For each chosen document, RVI will bring together a panel of South Sudanese discussants to highlight the historical context surrounding the document, details of the document itself, its significance and related issues arising today.

The first radio show will focus on a document related to the Sentencing of the Torit Mutineers (1955, Equatoria Province).




Professor Samson Wassara
Professor of Political Science and Vice Chancellor, University of Bahr El Ghazal

Ms Kuyang Logo
Consultant – Rule of Law, access to justice, and democratic governance; part time lecturer, University of Juba

Rev Dr Bernard Suwa
Consultant – Peace building and conflict transformation. 

The radio shows will be produced by Eye Radio, together with RVI, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and UNESCO, with the support of Norway. All the documents are property of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.

For more information, please visit contact Anna Rowett, RVI South Sudan Programme Manager on +211 927 631 981 or anna.rowett@riftvalley.net, or Ellen Lekka, Culture Programme Specialist, UNESCO, on +211 928 061 247 or e.lekka@unesco.org.

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