Tarikh Tana (Our History): Episode 5: Women and Customary Law in South Sudan


This show is brought to you under the South Sudan National Archives Project, supported by Norway and implemented by UNESCO in partnership with RVI, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.

The fifth Tarikh Tana (Our History) radio show in this second series will focus on “Women and Customary Law in South Sudan”.


South Sudanese women have often been subject to discrimination and unfair treatment in law since before the colonial period, but their struggles against these injustices, and their role in the justice system, has been hidden in archives and histories that have been written by and about men. But women have been involved in legal disputes—as victims, perpetrators, and accusers—throughout the history of customary and state law in South Sudan, and women have creatively used the legal system to struggle for freedoms and fight for rights, including through bringing cases to British officials under the Condominium government. Offenses by, and against, women have also been treated differently by patriarchal authorities through history: women have often been accused of being poisoners, witches, and engaging in adultery, and have fought against these accusations. There is much more research to be done on these hidden histories of women’s struggles in the South Sudan National Archive

The two guests were:

Kuyang Harriet Loggo

MP Georgett Lat Mading

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