New RVI office in Juba

Juba Ofice

In early 2019, RVI moved to new offices in Hai Kuwait, Juba. While we were sorry to leave behind our previous premises and generous hosts at the Catholic University of South Sudan, we are excited about the opportunities the new office provides. 

The new location positions us nearby two of our closest partners in South Sudan: The National Archives and Catholic University. The larger space that we now have means that we are able to host other organizations for meetings. In April, we were pleased to welcome the Academy for Professional Development to the office.

In our new meeting room, we have already hosted colleagues from the Catholic University and RVI Fellow Eddie Thomas for discussions under our X-Border Local Research Network project. In June, we will hold a screening of a new film by Florence Miettaux under our long-running South Sudan Customary Authorities Project. This will launch the start of Phase V of the project, with continued funding from the Government of Switzerland.

Drawing on experience from the RVI Forum in Nairobi, we will also be exploring opportunities for further events and discussions at the office.

Follow @RVINews and @Anna_Rowett for updates.

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