NAIROBI, 14 July 2015 (IRIN) – Burundi’s political crisis is centred on a leader who is refusing to leave office after almost 10 years. The man sent in to mediate has been in power for almost 30. Apart from…
LONDON, 18 December 2015 (IRIN) – Welcome to IRIN’s reading list. Every week our global network of specialist correspondents share their top picks of recent must-read research, podcasts, reports, blogs and in-depth articles to help you keep on top…
In the course of 2015, recruitment for certain factions of the Raia Mutomboki armed group intensified in the area of Bunyakiri, located in Kalehe territory in the province of South Kivu (Democratic Republic of the Congo). In this blog,…
Foyer de conflits et d’activités de groupes armés, la Plaine de la Ruzizi, dans la province du Sud Kivu, connait de fortes tensions entre leaders Bafuliiru et Barundi, surtout après l’assassinat du Mwami (chef coutumier) de la communauté Barundi…
On 10 May 2013, Teso Ntarubibi, the village chief of Chifunzi, located in Kalonge groupement (in Kalehe territory, South Kivu province) was assassinated. The murder plunged Kalonge into a severe crisis and promoted the mobilization of armed groups, yet those who…
In January 2015, the Congolese army launched the Sokola II operations against the Rwandan rebel group FDLR. In this blog, Juvénal Twaibu discusses the effects of these operations in the southern part of South Kivu—Fizi, Uvira and Mwenga territories. Sustaining…
The eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is home to dozens of armed groups. Studying these groups and the way they affect local governance and conflict dynamics is challenging. How can we gather reliable data on these groups? And…
In this blog, Claude Iguma analyses the rumours and events surrounding an attack by an armed group on the gold mining site of Misisi in Fizi, South Kivu. These rumours, resulting from uncertainties about the perpetrators and their motives,…
Ce blog analyse les raisons pour lesquelles certains politiciens se donnent à s’ingérer dans les conflits autour du pouvoir coutumier, un phénomène en recrudescence dans les deux provinces du Kivu. Il soutient que les chefs coutumiers ne doivent pas…
This blog post was written by Jason Stearns and Yolande Bouka, the Co-Directors of Studies for the Rift Valley Institute’s Great Lakes Field Course, which will be taking place in Entebbe, Uganda from 11–17 June 2016. Jason and Yolande…
Recent Publications
The Social Impact of the Changing Course of the Nabek River in Kakuma Refugee Camp
January 20, 2025
This blog examines the social impact of the shifting course of the Nabek River in Kakuma refugee camp where, when the river overflows and changes direction, it sweeps away homes, forcing refugees to migrate internally. By Robert Aharanya Claudio Introduction
የድሬ ዳዋ ከተማ መልከ ብዙ ውዝግቦት
January 14, 2025
ከኢትዮጵያ ከተሞች በሕዝብ ብዛት ሁለተኛ የሆነችው ድሬ ዳዋ ከተማ፣ በምስራቁ የሀገሪቱ ክፍል የብሔረሰቦች፣ የቋንቋ እና የኃይማኖት ብዝኃነት የሚገለጥባት ማዕከል መሆኗ ይታወቃል። ነገር ግን በ2010 የተደረገውን ሀገራዊ የፖለቲካ ለውጥ ተከትሎ፣ በርካታ ጎብኚዎችን የምታስተናግደውና በሰላሟ የምትታወቀው ከተማ ለሁለት ዓመታት የብሔር እና የኃይማኖት
ሆሳዕና፡ ከትንሽ ወታደራዊ ካምፕነት በሬሚታንስ ወደ ጎመራች የኢኮኖሚ ማዕከልነት
January 13, 2025
ይህ ጽሑፍ አዲስ በተቋቋመው የማዕከላዊ ኢትዮጵያ ክልላዊ መንግሥት ውስጥ በሀዲያ ዞን በምትገኘው ሆሳዕና ከተማ ለሀብት ባለቤትነት እና ቁጥጥር የሚደረግ ውዝግብ ላይ የተደረገ ጥናት ሪፖርት ነው። ጥናቱ የከተማዋን መስፋፋት ተከትሎ በቀድሞ በተወሰኑ ቡድኖች ተይዞ የነበረው የማኅበራዊ እና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ኃይል ተገለው በነበሩ