On 19 September 2012, Jason Stearns, Director of the RVI Usalama Project, which documents armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), gave evidence before the Congressional Foreign Affairs Sub-committee on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights…
Charlie Grieves-Cook, coordinator of the RVI Sudan Course 2007-2008, died in Nairobi on 3 March after leaping from a balcony pursued by armed thugs. Raised in Kenya and trained as a chef in the UK, Charlie was widely recognised…
Sudan’s big grain producers are struggling to find sufficient labour to manage their fields, writes RVI Fellow Magdi El Gizouli. The problem is particularly bad in the central Gezira region, in the eastern Gedaref State, and in North Darfur….
Film Africa 2012, the largest UK-based African film festival, is due to take place from November 1—11 2012. The festival will host more than 70 films, among them David Tosh Gito’s Nairobi Half Life, about an aspiring young actor…
A year after the independence of South Sudan, RVI Executive Director John Ryle gave a lecture on Africa’s newest and most contentious border at the Centre for Federal Studies of Addis Ababa University on 25 October 2012. Demarcation of…
On 23 February world leaders gathered in London to discuss Somalia. Commentary by RVI Fellows and associates included Mark Bradbury in Open Democracy, Can the London conference on Somalia get it right this time?; Sally Healy, in the Financial…
The British Institute in Eastern Africa will hold this year's second Nairobi Annual Lecture on 23 November 2012. The lecture, entitled 'Enforcing Social and Economic Rights', will be given by Justice Albie Sachs, a former Judge of the Constitutional…
On Friday March 9, RVI founding Fellows Jok Madut Jok and John Ryle gave a talk on the current situation in the Sudans at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), in Washington DC. The event marked the…
Compromising with Evil: An archival history of greater Sudan, 2007-2012 is the unequivocal title of Eric Reeves' account of the role of the Government of Sudan in Sudan's internal wars. The book comes with accolades from scholars such as…
RVI Horn of Africa and East Africa Regional Director Mark Bradbury and RVI Senior Researcher Aly Verjee will be part of the International Election Observer team observing the Somaliland district and council elections on 28 November. These are the…
Recent Publications
The Social Impact of the Changing Course of the Nabek River in Kakuma Refugee Camp
January 20, 2025
This blog examines the social impact of the shifting course of the Nabek River in Kakuma refugee camp where, when the river overflows and changes direction, it sweeps away homes, forcing refugees to migrate internally. By Robert Aharanya Claudio Introduction
የድሬ ዳዋ ከተማ መልከ ብዙ ውዝግቦት
January 14, 2025
ከኢትዮጵያ ከተሞች በሕዝብ ብዛት ሁለተኛ የሆነችው ድሬ ዳዋ ከተማ፣ በምስራቁ የሀገሪቱ ክፍል የብሔረሰቦች፣ የቋንቋ እና የኃይማኖት ብዝኃነት የሚገለጥባት ማዕከል መሆኗ ይታወቃል። ነገር ግን በ2010 የተደረገውን ሀገራዊ የፖለቲካ ለውጥ ተከትሎ፣ በርካታ ጎብኚዎችን የምታስተናግደውና በሰላሟ የምትታወቀው ከተማ ለሁለት ዓመታት የብሔር እና የኃይማኖት
ሆሳዕና፡ ከትንሽ ወታደራዊ ካምፕነት በሬሚታንስ ወደ ጎመራች የኢኮኖሚ ማዕከልነት
January 13, 2025
ይህ ጽሑፍ አዲስ በተቋቋመው የማዕከላዊ ኢትዮጵያ ክልላዊ መንግሥት ውስጥ በሀዲያ ዞን በምትገኘው ሆሳዕና ከተማ ለሀብት ባለቤትነት እና ቁጥጥር የሚደረግ ውዝግብ ላይ የተደረገ ጥናት ሪፖርት ነው። ጥናቱ የከተማዋን መስፋፋት ተከትሎ በቀድሞ በተወሰኑ ቡድኖች ተይዞ የነበረው የማኅበራዊ እና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ኃይል ተገለው በነበሩ