Research capacity building in the Somali regions

The University of HargeisaThe Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS) in the University of Hargeisa, the Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Research and Capacity Building (CPSRCD) in Puntland State University and the Rift Valley Institute have embarked on two-year partnership to enable the two universities to build their capacity to deliver high quality research. The project has been made possible with funding from the Somalia Stability Fund

The Research Capacity Building project aims to train Somali researchers and generate research on the Somali regions and their communities that will inform Somali and international development policy.

The project comes at a crucial time for both universities and their students who face multiple challenges, such as limited supervision from qualified researchers, poor access to relevant resources, limited funds and limited training opportunities. Through this project, teachers and students will receive training in research methodologies, will have access to new library books and electronic journals, and benefit from small research grants. The project also aims to support the development of a research culture, beyond the universities and across the Somali regions, through publications and support to public forums.

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