Pastoralism and Development in Africa

pastoralismOn 29 April 2013, the Hon. Mohamed Elmi (MP, Tarbaj) presented a paper at the Nairobi Forum on Lessons from the Ministry of Northern Kenya, reflecting on the work of his former ministry in supporting pastoralism and development in Kenya’s arid and semi arid lands. The former minister was one of several speakers at a seminar hosted by the Forum in collaboration with the Future Agricultures Consortium, to launch the book Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Dynamic Change at the Margins. Other speakers and authors included: Jeremy Lind (Institute of Development Studies); Hussein A. Mahmoud (Pwani University); Abdirizak Arale Nunow (Inter-Parliamentary Union, IGAD); Polly Ericksen (International Livestock Research Institute); and Francis Chabari (Kenya Drylands Livestock Development Programme). The proceedings were chaired by RVI Fellow Deborah Nightingale and the Hon. Chachu Ganya (MP, North Horr). Podcasts and a meeting report are available. 

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