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Rift Valley Institute

Making local knowledge work

Understanding and visualising the ‘Transnational Everyday’: A X-Border workshop

In November 2019, the Rift Valley Institute and OSSREA held a workshop in Addis Ababa on Understanding and visualising the ‘Transnational Everyday’. This brought together researchers and data visualisation experts from the region and beyond with an objective of informing the development of the Transnational Everyday workstream. This is part of the DFID-funded X-Border Local Research Network project being implemented by RVI, The Asia Foundation and the Carnegie Middle East Centre. Focusing on the Somali and South Sudanese contexts, the workstream seeks to better understand the transnational flows that emerge out of conflict. This workshop was designed to help the researchers understand different and innovative ways of presenting and visualising their data, and facilitate cross-fertilisation between different X-Border research activities in the Horn of Africa and beyond.

The organisers of the workshop have created this online, interactive report to present the outcomes of the workshop and practically showcase some of the tools discussed and experimented with in the context of the X-Border research.

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