RVI annual Field Courses 2016: Applications open

The Rift Valley Institute’s annual field courses will be held in East Africa in June and July 2016. Course applications are now open.


Taught by teams of leading regional and international specialists, the three courses—now in their thirteenth year—provide the basis for an understanding of current political and developmental challenges in the Horn of Africa, the Great LakesSudan and South Sudan. They offer a unique opportunity to spend a week engaged in intensive study with an outstanding group of experts and fellow participants, away from routine distractions.

In 2016 the courses will be held in Entebbe in Uganda. Further details of venues and teaching staff will be announced in the new year. See the Past Events page for reports on past courses. Please see the Courses page for more information.

Great Lakes Course, 11-17 June 2016

The Great Lakes Course examines current developments in Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC, the roots of conflict in the region and the challenges to institutional reform. This year Yolande Bouka will join Jason Stearns as Co-Director of Studies. The course is in English and French, with simultaneous translation. 

Sudan and South Sudan Course, 25 June – 1 July 2016

The thirteenth RVI Sudan and South Sudan Course covers all areas of Sudan, South Sudan, and the borderlands between them. It analyses the causes of current conflicts in the Sudans and the prospects for their resolution. The Directors of Studies are Guma Komey and Douglas H. Johnson.   

Horn of Africa Course, 9-15 July 2016

The Horn Course covers Somalia, Somaliland, Puntland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Northern Kenya. It examines the historical and contemporary features that make the Horn one of the world’s most crisis-ridden regions. The Directors of Studies are Laura Hammond and Terrence Lyons.

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