Serving as a creative hub for ideas designed to strengthen inclusive global governance, the Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs was established in 2014, adding the capacity to develop a new generation of leaders to Chatham House’s international reputation for informed debate and independent research.
Two junior fellowships are aimed at scholars at the early to mid-stage of their career (i.e. doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and fellows). Two senior fellowships are aimed at senior scholars and faculty with demonstrated excellence in their chosen area of research.
Each fellowship, based at Chatham House, in London, UK will last two months, with intakes in January and May 2021. OSUN Academy Fellowships will contribute to the Fellows’ on-going research projects, enhance their engagement in OSUN academic and outreach programs, and contribute to Chatham House’s work on the promise and challenge of inclusive global governance in the 21st century.
Eligibility for this fellowship is restricted to individuals affiliated with the Open Society University Network (OSUN)—scholars who are based at OSUN partner institutions and are involved in on-going and developing OSUN projects and programs. The Rift Valley Institute is one of the eligible partners. For more information about eligibility and to apply for the fellowship, please visit the Chatham House website.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday 7 October 2020.