Podcast: RCoP | Research Outputs | Oricia Ngenyibungi

Urban-based refugee women’s perceptions of Climate change in Nairobi, Kenya.

Explore the intricate dynamics of climate resilience in this podcast episode featuring Oricia Ngenyibungi, an early career researcher from the Democratic Republic of Congo. This episode focuses on the unique challenges faced by urban-based refugee women under the pressures of climate change. Oricia shares her findings on the adaptations and struggles of refugee women dealing with climate variability in Eastern Africa. Her research stresses the importance of incorporating marginalized voices in climate change dialogues and policymaking. This episode not only sheds light on the adversities but also celebrates the resilience and determination of women who confront daily challenges yet remain committed to fostering a sustainable future.

About the podcast

This podcast has been produced as a result of Oricia’s training in the Rift Valley Institute’s (RVI) Research Communities of Practice (RCoP) projectThe podcast therefore reflects the views of the author and not those or the position of the Rift Valley Institute. The RCoP is one of the RVI’s flagship projects that supports the professional development of early career scholars in east and central Africa through training, mentorship and dissemination of research outputs. Building on RVI’s long-term experience and presence in the region, the RCoP is a value-driven project that is built around a community of practitioners and academics with a common interest in the professional development of early career researchers. With funding from the Carnegie Corporation in New York, USA, and in partnership with the Open Society University Network-Hub for Connected Learning Initiatives, the RVI trained 27 early career scholars from Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan and Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya in the first and second phases of the RCoP project between August 2022 and January 2024.

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