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In this insightful interview, researcher Hassan Kochore shares his perspectives on the XCEPT programme’s impact in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia. He highlights how borderlands are shaped by global, regional and local forces, especially by the communities themselves. Hassan…
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South Sudanese women researchers and academics face widespread misogyny and barriers to access, financial and workplace inequality, sexual harassment and specific risks of violence across the research sector. In this podcast, a group of junior and senior academics and…
Job Advert- Somali Dialogue  Platform
South Sudan’s research industry is small, but it supports a large national and international humanitarian and development sector. Fieldwork is mostly conducted by contracted South Sudanese researchers, who often work under intense pressures and time constraints, in difficult and…
  • Recent Publications

    Making Sense of Borderlands

    This think piece is an extract of a longer paper taking stock of the roughly 40 X-Border studies carried out between 2019 and 2025 under the auspices of the Rift Valley Institute’s XCEPT programme. If we are to fully grasp

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    Politicizing Public Events in Addis Ababa

    The political landscape in Ethiopia since 2018 exemplifies how historical interpretations rooted in collective memory can shape political alignments. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali’s initial embrace of great tradition narratives clashed with the historical perspectives of his core constituency, the

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