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Rift Valley Institute

Making local knowledge work

Conversations with RVI researchers: Joseph Diing Majok and Nicki Kindersley

Conversations with RVI researchers: Joseph Diing Majok and Nicki Kindersley

  RVI’s Magnus Taylor speaks with RVI researchers, Joseph Diing Majok and Nicki Kindersley, about their latest report, Breaking Out of the Borderlands: Understanding migrant pathways from Northern Bahr el-Ghazal, South Sudan. The report takes the phenomena of the monetization of land, life and work in the borderland and looks at the consequences of this […]

Chokepoints and Corridors: Ordering maritime space in the Western Indian Ocean

In the Horn of Africa there is a dynamic interplay between land and sea that has shaped political, economic and social relationships. Historical and contemporary instances of piracy in the Western Indian Ocean, at different times, precipitated a securitization of this maritime space and made visible the economic and political connections that tie sea to land. […]

South Sudan: Hussein Abdel Bagi deepens his control of the borderland

In February 2020 Sudan’s president, Salva Kiir, appointed Hussein Abdel Bagi—head of the South Sudan Opposition Alliance—as one of his five vice-presidents. Abdel Bagi is a member of the Malual Dinka community from Madhol, on the Northern Bahr el-Ghazal border with West Kordofan, and is the son of the late Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol, a […]

Understanding Hussein Abdel Bagi: South Sudan’s vice-president from the borderlands

Key points • Hussein Abdel Bagi’s appointment as the third Vice-President of South Sudan is an important building block for the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU), particularly its relations with Khartoum. Hussein’s long experience of Sudanese politics, and friendships with members of the Sudan Military Council, will likely be very useful to President Kiir. […]

Trading Grains in South Sudan: Stories of opportunities, shocks and changing tastes

Displaced Tastes is a research project run by the Rift Valley Institute in partnership with the Catholic University of South Sudan under the X-Border Local Research Network. The project examines the changing tastes for food in South Sudan in the context of the country’s economic transition and place in the regional, cross-border economy of grain. […]

Epidemics in the African Red Sea Region: A history of uneven disease exposure

Summary The sustained movement of people, goods and ideas across the African Red Sea Region has been and continues to be so intense that it binds together communities throughout the region in a unified multifaceted socio-economic system that transcends ethnic, linguistic and political divides. Where people went, viruses, bacteria and parasites followed. As a result, […]

Qaxooti kumeelgaar ah, kusii hakasho mise guri cusub? La-kulanka muhaajiriinta Yemeniyiinta ah ee kunool Puntland


  Maqaalkan waxaa qoray Axmed Shire iyo Cabdideeq Warsame oo ka wada tirsan Jamacadda Puntland State. Waa maqaal kasoo dhex baxay mashruuca X-Border Local Research Network, gaar ahaan barnaamijka DFID ee Cross- Border Conflict—Evidence, Policy and Trends (XCEPT), waxaana maalgeliyey UKaid ee dowladda Ingiriiska. Barnaamijka waxa uu sameeyaa cilmibaaris si loo fahmo sababaha iyo saameynta […]

Temporary refuge, stopover or new home? Meeting Yemeni migrants in Puntland

Temporary refuge, staging-post or new home? Meeting Yemeni migrants in Puntland

  This blog was written by Ahmed Shire and Abdideeq Warsame from Puntland State University and is a product of the X-Border Local Research Network, a component of DFID’s Cross- Border Conflict—Evidence, Policy and Trends (XCEPT) programme, funded by UKaid from the UK government. The programme carries out research work to better understand the causes […]

Bosaso and the Gulf of Aden: Changing dynamics of a land-sea network

Bosaso and the Gulf of Aden: Changing dynamics of a land-sea network is the second report in a series looking at the relationship between modern-day Puntland, a semi-autonomous region of north-east Somalia, Yemen and the wider Gulf region. It focuses on the port city of Bosaso, which, historically, built its economic fortunes on easy access […]