Insight: Congo army debacle at Goma raises specter of betrayal
When Congo's government army retreated in panic from the eastern city of Goma last month, many observers blamed the poor morale and leadership, ill discipline and corruption that have sapped its fighting capacity for years. In the hours before Goma fell to M23 rebels on November 20, drunk and terrified Congolese soldiers roamed the streets […]
Congo rebels say will withdraw from Goma
Rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo said on Tuesday they would pull out of the eastern city of Goma in an apparent stalling of their drive to "liberate" the whole country. However, the situation on the ground remained far from clear after the rebels' political and military leaders gave conflicting statements over their intentions. […]
Does M23 want to create its own country?
The United Nations Security Council has voted to sanction the leaders of Congo's M23 rebel force that has occupied the eastern Congolese city of Goma as UN peacekeepers stood by without resisting. President Joseph Kabila said war had been imposed on his country — and urged the entire population to defend its sovereignty. Jason Stearns, […]
Briefing: DRC’s M23 rebellion under pressure
Heavy fighting broke out on 15 November in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo between M23 rebels and government forces (FARDC), breaking a virtual truce that had lasted on the frontlines between these forces for nearly three months. M23 (The Mouvement Du 23 Mars) began in April 2012 as an army mutiny by […]
Congo Rebels Strengthen Hand as Summit Fails to End Conflict
The Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda failed to resolve a border-region dispute at a meeting yesterday, strengthening the position held by rebels whose insurgency has displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians. After Congo accused Rwanda of supporting an ethnic Tutsi- led rebellion in the east of the country, President Joseph Kabila and his Rwandan […]
Can military action fix DR Congo’s conflict?
The M23 rebel army, which seized control of areas along the border with Rwanda, is now establishing its own administration, complete with ministers, committees and local councils. The group is trying to present itself as a new type of Congolese army – as a stabilising and liberating force. But people in the region remain sceptical […]
Horror ohne Grenze – Kann westlicher Druck dem Kongo Frieden bringen?
Der Horror für die Menschen im Osten des Kongo kennt keine Grenze. Kinder werden als Soldaten rekrutiert, Schüsse, Vergewaltigungen und Granateneinschläge gehören zum Alltag. «Wir behandeln etliche Zivilisten, die mit Schusswunden oder mit von Raketen und Granaten verursachten Verletzungen zu uns kommen», sagen Mitarbeiter der Organisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen. Hungrig, durstig und völlig mittellos erreichen […]
A Goma, le retrait des rebelles ne résout pas la crise
Dans les rues de Goma, des policiers règlent désormais la circulation à grands coups de sifflet. Ce sifflet est leur seule arme visible, mais la «police de roulage» est l'une des premières manifestations du retour des autorités loyalistes de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) dans la ville de l'est du pays, depuis le départ, […]
Congo: Le retour de la terreur
Les préparatifs battent leur plein du côté du Palais du peuple et du stade des martyrs de Kinshasa. Dans quelques jours, du 13 au 14 octobre, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) accueillera la XIVe édition du Sommet de la francophonie. Le grand raout, qui réunira des dirigeants du monde entier – dont le president […]
DRC bishop in powerful US plea
US lawmakers on Wednesday heard a powerful plea to stop a brutal wave of rapes and killings by rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo amid claims six million people have died in years of war. “Congress, in your hands you have the salvation of all Congolese people,” Ntambo Nkulu Ntanda, bishop of the United […]