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South Sudan’s Archival Project: Communicating the Past through the Lens of a Cartoonist

South Sudan Archives booklet

The South Sudan National Archive Project is a multiphase project for the conservation, reordering, cataloguing and digitization of the historical government records of South Sudan. The project has been designed to safeguard the contents of the archive and to make them more widely accessible to the general public in South Sudan and beyond. The documents in the archive […]

Sudan open archive

Sudan Open Archive

The Project The Sudan Open Archive ( offers free digital access to knowledge of all regions of Sudan and South Sudan. It is an expanding, word-searchable, full-text database of books, documents, scholarly resources and grey literature. The website is linked to the RVI’s guide to internet resources on Sudan and South Sudan.   SOA was originally created in 2004 to […]

Support RVI

The Rift Valley Institute is supported by course fees, consultancies and individual donations, and by grants from private philanthropic organizations and from governments and intergovernmental organizations. A list of past and present funders can be found here. The Institute seeks funding for action-oriented research, for public information projects, for programmes of support to schools and universities […]

Partners Blurb

The Rift Valley Institute works in collaboration with numerous indigenous bodies and regional organisations.

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to us

Projet Usalama du RVI : conférence de Kinshasa

RÉDIGÉ PAR MICHEL THILL | ÉDITÉ PAR JOHN RYLE & TYMON KIEPE | TRADUIT PAR CATHERINE DAUVERGNE-NEWMAN (HORIZONS) | TÉLÉCHARGER   Points clés   Le Projet Usalama de l’Institut de la Vallée du Rift (RVI) a pour mission de pallier l’absence d’informations détaillées sur les groupes armés congolais. L’Institut a publié 14 rapports et documents d’information sur les […]