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Rift Valley Institute

Making local knowledge work

The Somalia Conference in London, May 2013

Key points The 2013 Somalia Conference in London is different from the 2012 London Conference on Somalia because it is co-hosted by the governments of Somalia and UK. The purpose of the 2012 London Conference on Somalia was to support the end of Somalia’s political transition; the aim of the 2013 Somalia Conference in London […]

Pastoralism and development in Africa

Key points Enormous internal innovation is taking place within pastoralist communities, challenging the perception that pastoralist communities simply cope and adapt, and revealing sustainable pathways for pastoral development. Government apathy towards the pastoral economy means that Kenya, in contrast to Ethiopia, has failed to nurture, develop and benefit from the lucrative livestock trade. The exploitation […]

A War on Men?

The image of Somali men is one of violence

Key points The impact of war on Somali men is poorly understood in Somali society and among international policy makers and aid organizations. The prevalence of rape in Somalia is indicative of the profound impact of war, the collapse of the state and the changes in normative gender roles. Policy makers and aid organizations prioritize […]

The Somalia Conference in London, May 2013

Key points The upcoming conference is different from any previous conferences on Somalia in that it will be represented by a legitimate, non-transitional Federal Government of Somalia with an agenda set by Somalis. With regional governments, including Somaliland and Puntland, declining to attend the conference the outcome is unlikely to be as effective in addressing […]

My father’s journey

Key points Few people document their family’s experiences as vividly as Nadifa Mohamed did while writing her first novel, a process in which she describes herself as being her father’s griot, or praise-singer. While it is critics who put labels on writing, it is the reading public who have the most important role in the […]

What future for democracy in Somaliland?

Key points The stakes for the November 2012 local council elections were exceedingly high, with the winning three parties eligible to contest the parliamentary and presidential elections for the next ten years. The results were highly contested but mostly peaceful. The elections marked another important step in Somaliland’s process of democratization, but clan rather than […]

Managing development and security in north-eastern Kenya

Key points In north-eastern Kenya, MPs have taken a positive role in managing and resolving local conflicts. These conflicts have multiple causes, including a spill-over from other conflicts in Somalia and Ethiopia, competition over natural resources, and youth unemployment. Kenya’s military intervention in Somalia has led to an increase in insecurity in the north east. […]

Remittance transfers to Somalia

Key points Remittances from abroad are a vital lifeline for households in Somalia. 40% rely on them to meet food security needs. The majority of remittances to Somalia, Puntland and Somaliland are through licensed money transfer operators (MTOs) rather than informal  money transfers. Barclays Bank is the last of the global banks to offer accounts […]

IGAD and Somalia

Key points IGAD’s engagement with Somalia has helped to sustain international interest in Somali issues. IGAD is perceived by many Somalis as representing the interests of Kenya and Ethiopia rather than Somalia. Somalis would like to see more practical assistance from IGAD. Somalis are increasingly questioning AMISOM’s military engagement in Somalia. There is a widespread […]

Forging Jubaland: Community perspectives on federalism, governance and reconciliation

Forging Jubaland: Community perspectives on federalism, governance and reconciliation

Since August 2012, Somalia has embarked upon a turbulent process of forming federal states. In the wake of past political processes, which had limited success and were often criticized as elite driven and divorced from popular needs, the hope is that the current endeavour will not repeat past mistakes. On Friday 22 April 2016, the […]