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Rift Valley Institute

Making local knowledge work

Sudan Studies Society Annual Symposium

Sudan Studies Society Annual Symposium

The annual general meeting of the Sudan Studies Society of the United Kingdom took place in London at the School of Oriental and African Studies on 13 September. The event was held in association with the Royal African Society. The day-long programme featured a panel on South Sudan with speakers including RVI Fellows Douglas H. Johnson, the historian of South […]

A debate on federalism at Juba University

A debate on federalism at Juba University

More than seven hundred people attended a lecture on federalism at Juba University on Saturday 5 July. The lecture was delivered by Rift Valley Institute Fellow Douglas H. Johnson and organised by RVI Fellow Luka Biong Deng, formerly Minister in the Office of the President. Dr Johnson’s talk was introduced by John Akec, Vice-Chancellor of […]

Property and Freedom

Property and Freedom

Experiments in South Africa and around the world are combating poverty while expanding freedom by granting title to assets such as land and public housing. Building on the work of Dr. Hernando de Soto, these experiments seek to integrate poor people into the formal economy where they can access credit, loans and investment income. In addition […]

Eastleigh and beyond

Eastleigh and Beyond

While Kenya considers how to deal with the hundreds of thousands of Somali refugees it has hosted for more than two decades, Somali trade and business in Kenya appears to be booming, with links to a wider global diaspora and trade hubs in the Middle East and Asia. Nairobi’s Eastleigh has become symbolic of this […]

South Sudan: Is Peace Possible?

South Sudan: Is Peace Possible?

  Thousands have died and hundreds of thousands have been displaced as a result of the political crisis in South Sudan. Armed conflict continues as peace talks between government and opposition begin in Addis Ababa. READ THE MEETING REPORT Leading South Sudanese civil society institutions came together in Nairobi to sponsor discussion of the current […]

IGAD and Somalia

IGAD and Somalia

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) aims to promote peace, security, prosperity and economic integration in Eastern Africa. Since 2004, it has been active in supporting the re-establishment of a sovereign government in Somalia.  READ THE MEETING REPORT On 25 October 2013, the RVI Nairobi Forum convened a distinguished panel of speakers to reflect on […]

Language Politics and the Politics of Language in Somaliland

Language Politics and the Politics of Language in Somaliland

On 21 February, International Mother Tongue Day, the Hargeysa Cultural Centre and the Redsea Cultural Foundation paid homage to the Somali language with a day-long seminar followed by an evening of cultural activities. The event brought together linguists and experts in language policy to discuss developments in the language and the use of Somali as […]

The Political Economy of Regional Security Integration in Africa

On 18 March, the Observatoire de l’Afrique hosted its first conference of 2015 on ‘The Political Economy of Regional Security Integration in Africa’. Security challenges in sub-Saharan Africa include violent extremism, organised crime, armed conflicts, arms trafficking, and refugee crises. These have a distinct regional character. The nature and scope of regional responses to these have varied […]

LAPSSET: A Transformative Project or a Pipe Dream?

LAPSSET: A Transformative Project or a Pipe Dream?

The Lamu Port-South Sudan Transport Corridor (LAPSSET) is an extremely ambitious project. There are multiple elements rolled up in this project: the development of a new port at Lamu; an oil pipeline from that port to South Sudan; road and railway links; and a possible line to southern Ethiopia. There are also plans for a new […]