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Rift Valley Institute

Making local knowledge work

Sudan Course 2008

Sudan Course 2008

The fifth Sudan Course took place at Rumbek Senior Secondary School in June 2008 under the direction of Justin Willis and John Ryle. The course is taught by a team of noted Sudanese academics and activists and international specialists. This year the teaching staff included Roland Marchal, Douglas Johnson, Magdi al Na’im, Joanna Oyediran, Jok […]

Sudan Course 2007

Sudan Course 2007

The fourth Sudan Field Course took place in May 2007 in Rumbek, South Sudan. The teaching staff included Douglas Johnson, author of The Root Causes of Sudan’s Civil Wars, Suliman Baldo of the International Center for Transitional Justice, Jok Madut Jok, author of Race, Religion and Violence in Sudan, Hala Elkarib of the Khartoum-based SIHA (Strategic Initiative for Women in […]

Sudan Course 2006

Sudan Course 2006

The third annual RVI Sudan course took place in Rumbek, South Sudan from 7th to 12th May 2006. As in previous years, the course provided an intensive introduction to north and south Sudan, covering modern history, politics and administration, civil war, ethnography, economics, human rights, and natural resources. The course was organized in collaboration with Rumbek […]

Sudan Course 2005

Sudan Course 2005

The second Rift Valley Institute Sudan Course was held in July 2005 in Rumbek (then the administrative centre of the new government of South Sudan). The course took place at Rumbek Senior Secondary School, the first international event to be held there since before the civil war. The teaching staff on the 2005 course consisted […]

Sudan Course 2004

Sudan Course 2004

The first RVI Sudan Course was held in April 2004 in Kenya at a game ranch on the Athi Plains, outside Nairobi. Participants were housed in a field centre on the ranch and a tented safari camp nearby. Twenty-five students from sixteen organizations and a dozen nationalities attended. There were ten academic staff and half-a-dozen […]

RVI field courses 2015

RVI field courses 2015

The Rift Valley Institute’s annual field courses will be held in East Africa in June and July 2015. Course applications are now open. Locations of courses will be confirmed in early 2015. ONLINE APPLICATION FORM Taught by teams of leading regional and international specialists, the three courses—now in their twelfth year—provide the basis for an […]

Horn of Africa Course 2012

Horn of Africa Course 2012

The fifth Horn of Africa course took place in Kilifi on the Kenyan coast from 16 to 22 June 2012. The directors, Mark Bradbury and Ken Menkhaus, were again joined by Sally Healy as Deputy Director of Studies. Lectures were held, for the first time, at Pwani University College, where Deputy Course Director Hussein Mahmoud […]

Great Lakes Course 2010

Great Lakes Course 2010

The first RVI Great Lakes Course was held in July 2010 in the Imperial Golf View Hotel in Entebbe, Uganda. The Director of the Course was Philip Winter OBE, formerly Chief of Staff for the Inter-Congolese Dialogue and one of the founders of the Rift Valley Institute. The Director of Studies was Jason Stearns of Yale University, […]

Sudan and South Sudan Course 2012

Sudan and South Sudan Course 2012

The ninth course covering Sudan—and the first to cover the new nation of South Sudan—was held in Athi River, Kenya from 26 May to 1 June. The course was under the direction of two of the co-editors of recently-published The Sudan Handbook (2012): Justin Willis, of the University of Durham, and Jok Madut Jok, of Loyola Marymount College, […]

RVI Field Courses 2015: New lecturers and location announcement

RVI Field Courses 2015: New lecturers and location announcement

The RVI annual field courses feature teams of up to fifteen teachers composed of regional specialists drawn from the region itself and from Europe and America. The most recent additions include Laura Hammond and Berouk Mesfin on the Horn of Africa Course, Judith Verweijen and Jean Omasombo on the Great Lakes Course and Aly Verjee […]