Nuruddin Farah remembers Chinua Achebe

The life of the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe (1930-2013) was celebrated on 6 May 2014 at Bard College, New York, where Achebe taught for many years. There were spoken tributes from Nigerian author and art historian Teju Cole, from historian Myra Armstead, and from anthropologists Yuka Suzuki and John Ryle. The Somali writer Nuruddin Farah […]
جيب كفيا قنجيالبشر والسياسة والتاريخ في محور الحدود الشمالية – الجنوبية لغرب السودان
تُعتبر كفيا قنجي الواقع على الطرف الغربي الأقصى للسودان نقطة إلتقاء رئيسية بين دارفور وجنوب البلاد؛ وتخضع هذه المنطقة الغنية بالمعادن حالياً لإدارة جنوب دارفور، لكن من المتوقع إعادتها إلى مقاطعة راجا في جنوب السودان بموجب بنود اتفاقية السلام الشامل لعام 2005. ويحكي هذا التقرير الثاني من سلسلة تقارير الأراضي المتنازع عليها، المستند إلى بحث […]
Usalama Project

Rift Valley Forum

SSCA Research Project
Dividing Communities in South Sudan and Northern Uganda
In September 2014, a conflict erupted between South Sudanese and Ugandans in the borderlands of Kajokeji County, South Sudan and Moyo District, Uganda. Several people were killed, many more injured and thousands displaced. In Dividing Communities in South Sudan and Northern Uganda, the authors argue that the boundary dispute is not simply the result of a […]
Between Somaliland and Puntland
‘A valuable contribution to the study of borderlands and state formation. It will be of great interest to students, scholars, policymakers and donors.’ REDIE BEREKTEAB, NORDIC AFRICA INSTITUTE, UPSSALA ‘An ethnographic study of two Somali clans with in-depth analyses of the competing narratives that different community leaders advance. The book will generate a lively debate. Those […]
Contested Borderlands

Aims of the Project The Contested Borderlands reports are authoritative studies of borders and border communities in Eastern and Central Africa, informed by historical archive work and anthropological field research. The series brings local knowledge and academic rigour to urgent questions of the present, with practical recommendations for those working in the region at policy […]
Sudan and South Sudan Course 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic […]