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We Do Not Have Borders

Somalis have lived in Kenya for generations, in many cases long before the founding of the country. Despite their long residency, they are often perceived to be an alien presence in the country and a threat to security, especially following tragic events by al-Shabaab in Kenya.

On 4 January 2017, the Rift Valley Forum launched We Do Not Have Borders by Keren Weitzberg, which examines the historical factors that led to this state of affairs. The book also challenges many of the most fundamental analytical categories, such as tribe, race, and nation, that have traditionally shaped African historiography.

We Do Not Have Borders provides unique inroads into debates over globalization, African sovereignty, the resurgence of religion and the multiple meanings of being African.


Keren Weitzberg

Salah Abdi Sheikh
Author – Blood on the Runway

Adbul Adan
Author – Caine Prize Finalist

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