Sudan and South Sudan Course 2014

Scope of the course

The Sudan and South Sudan Course, under the direction of Sharath Srinivasan, was held in Kenya, from 14 to 20 June. New rebellions and ongoing civil war in both the Sudans have put social and economic development in jeopardy. Understanding the history of state formation and conflict in the two countries is more important than ever. The course addressed the challenge of working in this complex, fluid environment, and linked analysis of current events to contextual understanding of history, politics, war, society and economy.

Highlights of the syllabus

DAY 1:  Fragile states: the history of state formation, social organisation and political control.
DAY 2:  Peoples, cultures, identities and beliefs in the two Sudans.
DAY 3:  Governance, violence, war: legacies of law and misrule, coercion and mobilisation.
DAY 4:  Political economy: natural resources, economic structures, changing livelihoods. 
DAY 5:  Engagement and intervention: trajectories in regional and international relations, the history of humanitarian, development and peacebuilding initiatives.
DAY 6:  Political and economic futures: prospects for the peoples of the Sudans.

Core teaching staff

Sharath Srinivasan PhD  Director of Studies
Director, Centre of Governance and Human Rights, University of Cambridge

Justin Willis PhD
Professor in History, Durham University

Daniel Large PhD
Assistant Professor, Central European University, Budapest

Douglas Johnson PhD
Author of The Root Causes of Sudan’s Civil Wars

Nada Mustafa Ali
Faculty Fellow, Center for Governance and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts

Magdi el-Gizouli
Freiburg University;

Joanna Oyediran
Program Manager for Sudan & South Sudan, Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa

Jok Madut Jok PhD
Professor, Loyola Marymount University; Co-founder, Sudd Institute

Cherry Leonardi PhD
Lecturer in History, Durham University

Edward Thomas PhD

John Ryle
Executive Director of the RVI; Professor of Anthropology, Bard College, NY

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