Sudan and South Sudan Course 2012

The ninth course covering Sudan—and the first to cover the new nation of South Sudan—was held in Athi River, Kenya from 26 May to 1 June. The course was under the direction of two of the co-editors of recently-published The Sudan Handbook (2012): Justin Willis, of the University of Durham, and Jok Madut Jok, of Loyola Marymount College, Los Angeles, currently seconded to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport in the Government of South Sudan. New teaching staff on the course included: Sharath Srinivasan, Mareike Schomerus, Samia Ishag, Matthew LeRiche and Leben Nelson Moro. Lectures, breakout, sessions and film screenings took place at the Lukenya Getaway, on the north-west flank of the Lukenya Hills. Excursions included a guided wildlife walk on a Game Ranch on the Athi Plains and a football match against Daystar University (6-2 to Daystar).

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