Somaliland election observers at the RVI Nairobi Forum

On 4 December 2012, the RVI’s Nairobi Forum presented the assessments of five members of the International Election Observer team who monitored district elections in the Republic of Somaliland on 28 November. They were the fifth democratic elections held in Somaliland since 2002 and followed several weeks of campaigning. The observers presenting their findings at the event, held at the British Institute in Eastern Africa, were Ayan Mahamoud of the Kayd Organisation, Steve Kibble of Progressio, Quman Akli of Somaliland Focus, RVI Senior Researcher Aly Verjee, and RVI Horn of Africa and East Africa Regional Director Mark Bradbury, who chaired the event. The audience included representatives from the Australian, Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch and Danish embassies in Nairobi.

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