Somalia CEWERU Conflict Assessment

A launch event for the Somalia Conflict Early Response Unit took place at the Nairobi Forum on 7 November 2013.  From the Bottom up: Southern Regions—Perspectives through conflict analysis and key political actor’s mapping of Gedo, Middle Juba, Lower Juba, and Lower Shabelle is a conflict assessment designed to improve understanding of events in southern Somalia, and to contribute to stabilization and better reconstruction, local governance and development assistance. As regions in southern Somalia emerge from al-Shabaab control old grievances and tensions are liable to re-emerge. The report identifies key conflict hot spots and issues and the views of key political actors. The meeting also heard a presentation on options for political accommodation within Somalia presented by Conflict Dynamics international.


Osman Moallim Somalia CEWERU Country Coordinator
Ali Ahmed Consultant
Roger Middleton CDI
Mohamed Ali Hassan Executive Director of CONTRASAD

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