Report launch: People-centered integration in the East African Community

Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Participatory regionalism – the idea that regional organisations should enable societal stakeholders to engage and shape policy agendas – has been central to the East African Community’s (EAC) vision of regional integration since its re-founding in 1999. This was made explicit in the EAC treaty which called for the community to be ‘people-centred’ and is also reflected in a series of participatory mechanisms that the EAC has established to facilitate engagement by private sector and civil society groups. 

On 27 November 2024, the Rift Valley Forum will launch a report by Dr Peter O’Reilly and Dr Chris Vaughan, which takes stock of the progress and current status of participatory regionalism in EAC. Drawing on 28 interviews with private sector and civil society representatives from across the region, the report offers first-hand insights into the experiences these stakeholders have had participating through EAC institutions. While the report emphasises that several mechanisms exist for these stakeholders to engage with and participate in EAC affairs, major challenges continue to hinder the realisation of people-centred integration in the region. Despite these challenges, the report highlights the continued importance of EAC institutions for private sector and civil society organisations for advancing their causes and agendas, especially in a context in recent years where civic space across certain EAC states has shrunk. It also offers forward-looking recommendations in regard to how participatory regionalism in the EAC can be enhanced.

Download a free copy of the report here

Peter O’Reilly

Dr Chris Vaughan

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