The Politics of Peace in the Ogaden

The armed conflict between the Ogaden National Liberation Front and the Ethiopian state is one of the longest running conflicts in the Horn of Africa.  While multi-ethnic federalism, enshrined in Ethiopia’s 1995 Constitution, held the promise of improved relations between the people of the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian federal government, repeated attempts over the last two decades to end the conflict and forge a political settlement have not born fruit. Mistrust and historical grievances continue to drive a conflict that keeps the Somali Regional State insecure and under-developed and threatens peace in other areas of the Horn.   

On Wednesday 2 March, the Rift Valley Forum hosted a panel of researchers and specialists undertaking a study for Conciliation Resources on the Ogaden conflict in Ethiopia. The work forms part of the DFID funded Political Settlements Research Program. The panel shared the findings of the study and reflect on the prospects for a stable political settlement in the region.


Ibrahim Farah
University of Nairobi


Aden Abdi
Conciliation Resources

Mohammed Seid

Abdifatah Tahir
Institute for Development Studies

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