Photo Exhibition: A Rift Valley Forum Meeting

On 3 April 2019, the Rift Valley Forum hosted an exhibition of photographs and testimonies from displaced people across the four Somali cities of Baidoa, Bosaaso, Hargeisa and Mogadishu. This was part of the ‘Security on the Move’ project carried out by Durham University, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and the Somali civil society organisation SOWELPA, in collaboration with UN-Habitat.

The project equipped and trained 40 internally displaced people to take photographs that document their everyday lives, focusing on the themes of security and urbanisation. Public exhibitions and discussions have already been held in the 4 cities in January and in Oslo and London in February and March 2019.

The programme opened with an introduction of the project, followed by a guided tour through the exhibition. The launch concluded with a panel discussion featuring experts and practitioners experienced in dealing with the challenges of rapid urbanisation and migration.



Jutta Bakonyi
Durham University

Peter Chonka 
Durham University

Abdulrahman Edle

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