Nairobi Forum: Planning for the London Somalia Conference

A meeting chaired by Hon. Mohamed Affey was convened by the RVI in Nairobi on 2 May to discuss the forthcoming London conference on Somalia. The Nairobi meeting followed an earlier Forum discussion meeting in Mogadishu. In Nairobi, the head of the Somali government’s technical committee, Abdulrahman Abdishakur, was joined by Somalia’s Ambassador to Kenya, Mohamed Ali Nur, and the Deputy Head of Mission for the British Office for Somalia, Mark Bryson-Richardson, who explained the reasons why the UK and Somalia governments had taken the initiative to convene the conference and their expectations of it. This was followed by a discussion, chaired by Yusuf Garaad, on the role of the Somali diaspora in Somalia’s recovery. A meeting report is available here.

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