The Lure of the City: Rural to urban migration in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

The Rift Valley Institute’s Rural to urban mobility project aims to better understand the dynamics of rural to urban migration and the ways in which this phenomenon impacts the social and infrastructural fabric of cities in East Africa. Although secondary cities have witnessed tremendous growth in the past few decades, playing an important role between rural and urban areas, most research on rural to urban migration is conducted in capital cities. The project is conducted within the framework of the Research and Evidence Facility on Migration in the Horn of Africa, supported by the EU Trust Fund.

On 9 July, the Rift Valley Institute hosted a panel discussion on rural to urban migration in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. The panellists presented findings from their research on rural to urban migration as well as key findings from the project’s synthesis report, The Lure of the City.



Gianluca Iazzolino

Ronald Kalyango

Ketema Wakjira

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