Hasty repatriation

On 15 February 2013, the Nairobi Forum hosted the launch of a report by the Mogadishu-based think tank, the Heritage Institute for Policy Studies (HIPS), entitled ‘Hasty Repatriation: Kenya’s attempt to send Somali refugees home’. The research was undertaken in late 2012, after the Kenyan government called for Somali refugees to assemble in refugee camps and return to Somalia. With Somali refugees in Kenya forming one of the largest refugee populations in the world, HIPS sought to examine implications of this new policy both for Somali refugees and for Somalia itself. The report’s author, Anab Ismail Nur, joined H.E. Mohamed Ali, Somalia’s Ambassador to Kenya, and Jacqueline Parlevliet of UNHCR in a discussion chaired by Laetitia Bader of Human Rights Watch. They considered the protection needs of refugees in Kenya, Somalia’s capacity to absorb the sudden return of large numbers of refugees, and the security risks entailed.

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