Defining the Crisis in Sudan: Rethinking Pathways to Peace

Hybrid Event: BIEA Seminar Room, Laikipia Road, Kileleshwa.
Date: Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EAT 

Partners: British Institute in Eastern Africa and World Peace Foundation in association with the Thabo Mbeki Foundation.

In 2024, Sudan and South Sudan are experiencing significant challenges, with both countries facing humanitarian crises and severe food insecurity. Sudan is affected by an ongoing conflict, while South Sudan continues to deal with a myriad of challenges since its independence more than a decade ago. Despite initial hopes for the establishment of two viable states, both nations struggle to meet the basic needs of their populations. The people of each country are suffering a humanitarian catastrophe. Famine conditions exist in many parts, portending societal disruption and, in extreme cases, collapse.

On 26 November 2024, the Rift Valley Institute, the British Institute in Eastern Africa, and the World Peace Foundation, in collaboration with the Thabo Mbeki Foundation, will launch the report by Alex de Waal and Abdul Mohamed, titled, Defining the Crisis in the Sudans. This report examines the record of the African Union High Level Panels for Darfur, Sudan and South Sudan and applies lessons to the current conflict in Sudan. It highlights a striking contrast between the comprehensive, principled and coordinated multilateral approach of 10-15 years ago and today’s more fragmented and narrowly-focused peacemaking efforts.

Alex de Waal
Executive Director of the World Peace Foundation at Tufts University, USA. He is co-author of Sudan’s Unfinished Democracy: The promise and betrayal of a people’s revolution (Hurst 2022).

Abdul Mohammed
Chief of staff for the African Union High Level Panel for Sudan and South Sudan and a veteran peace and democracy activist.

Discussants TBC

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