Sudan: Perspectives on a complex crisis

Event Date: Tuesday, 1st October 2024
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Venue: Convent International Guesthouse, Nairobi, Kenya 
Partners: Rift Valley Institute, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and Life & Peace Institute 

On Tuesday, 1st October 2024, the Rift Valley Institute, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and the Life & Peace Institute will host a full-day forum titled Sudan: Perspectives on a Complex Crisis. The event will feature in-depth discussions on Sudan’s political dynamics, humanitarian crises, and the media’s role in covering the ongoing war. The full-day forum will also explore research on displacement and its impact on higher education in Sudan. This event is to the public and key stakeholders invested in Sudan’s future.

Register In-person capacity is now full, but you can still join us online! Register for online attendance here:

More information to come.

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