Great Lakes Course 2010

The first RVI Great Lakes Course was held in July 2010 in the Imperial Golf View Hotel in Entebbe, Uganda. The Director of the Course was Philip Winter OBE, formerly Chief of Staff for the Inter-Congolese Dialogue and one of the founders of the Rift Valley Institute. The Director of Studies was Jason Stearns of Yale University, formerly Co-ordinator of the UN Group of Experts on the DRC. Among the distinguished faculty of regional scholars and international specialists on the teaching staff were Johan Pottier, Jean-Paul Kimonyo, Djo Munga, Catharine Newbury and David Newbury, Séverine Autesserre, Bob White, René Lemarchand, Matthew Brubacher, Noel Twagiramungu, Christol Paluku, Neela Ghoshal and Mbeke Sivha. Course proceedings were in both French and English, with simultaneous translation.

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