New website tracks LAPSSET and development in northern Kenya

The Lamu-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) Corridor Project is a large-scale development initiative that affects communities across Northern Kenya and bordering countries. Yet those most affected by LAPSSET have limited access to information about its impact on their lives. A new project aims to level the playing field, providing critical information about development in the north for those who live there.

The Mipakani Project website ( Mipakani Project ('from the borders' in Swahili) will disseminate up-to-date information through digital media, both online and offline. In November 2014 a Mipakani website ( was launched at a meeting in Lamu of the LAPSSET Community Forum (LCF), a coalition of civil society organizations from LAPSSET-affected countries. The core of the site is a collection of documents and maps, with aggregated media coverage of LAPSSET in English and other languages. The website is a collaborative space: material can be submitted for publication by any user, in northern Kenya and elsewhere. 

The project, currently in its pilot phase, is conceived and implemented by the Rift Valley Institute, with support from the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Heinrich Böll Foundation) and guidance from the LAPSSET Community Forum. See also, RVI online resources on LAPSSET.

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